What would it be like if you could do just ONE thing, create one new habit that could completely transform your family life?
Imagine ending each day with happy, calm kids talking about all the good in their lives and all they're thankful for?
What if you consistently found yourself thinking of what's good in your world instead of what's missing?
How about feeling appreciated by your partner like never before? Both of you taking your relationship to a deeper level of connection, feeling kindness, compassion and gratitude towards one another rather than irritation, underlying issues bubbling under the surface - and general anxiety about the
I know it sounds like a fantasy, but the truth is that it's completely possible for you to achieve greater peace of mind and completely transform your family life by taking this one simple action!
Join families from all over the country who are taking this fun, free science-backed challenge and uplevel your life to notice more of the good in your life and the world!
What are you waiting for? Don't waste a moment!!! Join us Now!
Course Curriculum
Your Instructor
Busy families need fun, simple activities that can incorporate wellbeing skills into the lives they're already living. Everything in the challenge can be done as part of normal family life. You won't have to take time out to do extra activities. As a mom of 3 young kids, Tara knows firsthand the benefits of following a family wellbeing program.
She has taught mindfulness, gratitude and wellness skills to children and adults for over 20 years and is lead researcher for a scientific study of the benefits of mindfulness training with Irish schoolchildren. She blends together her 20 years experience in positive psychology with the leading edge mindfulness-based approaches to create fun, engaging, life-enhancing programs that don't require hours and hours of sitting still!
Tara lives by the sea in a beautiful fishing village in Ireland and has spent most of her life travelling, learning and teaching how to get the most out of this Life we've been given. Her mission is to serve and impact positively as many lives as possible, while squeezing every last drop of fun, love and life out of her time here..