Teach Your Kids Mindfulness
.. and have fun while learning too!
So maybe you're been practising some kind of meditation and would love to share the benefits with your kids but have realised it's a whole different ballgame when you're trying to get your kids to sit still long enough to practise.
Or maybe you've an anxious or unfocused child on your hands and you've heard mindfulness training is producing miracles with kids in lots of schools but you don't know the first thing about mindfulness yourself, let alone trying to teach it to your child - and the school is just not that interested in developing a program..
Well, whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced mind master, you've come to the right place if you're looking for solutions to a calmer, happier home!
Teach your kids mindfulness was developed to make learning mindfulness fun and accessible. Busy families need fun, simple activities that can incorporate mindfulness training into the lives they're already living. Everything you'll learn in the program can be done as part of normal family life. You won't have to take time out to do extra activities, promise!
You'll also find that by getting involved in this training with your child or children will make a huge difference to the atmosphere in your home! There's an extra layer of calmness to the usual daily activities and when things start to get out of control, both you and your child will have lots of new tools at your fingertips to help restore harmony to the home!
Next Live Online Program Launches September 2017
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Frequently Asked Questions
Open for Registration Soon!
Your Instructor

As a mom of 3 young kids, I know firsthand the benefits of teaching your kids self-calming, focusing skills.
I've taught mindfulness and 'brain-training' to children and adults for over 20 years, have consulted with many schools and am lead researcher for a scientific study of the benefits of mindfulness training for schoolchildren.
I'm so excited to be able to bring you the very best of brain-training, in a fun, accessible way that will help your family thrive!
The boring stuff:
Tara's background is as a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, mindfulness educator, positive psychology researcher, practitioner and mom of three young kids. She blends together her expertise in positive psychology with the leading edge mindfulness-based approaches to create fun, engaging, life-enhancing programs that don't require hours and hours of sitting still!
Tara lives by the sea in a beautiful fishing village in Ireland and has spent most of her life travelling, learning and teaching how to get the most out of this Life we've been given. Her mission is to serve and impact positively as many lives as possible, while squeezing every last drop of fun, love and life out of her time here..